Passenger Taxi App Features

Login / Registration

Rider can login and register his account through social media accounts, email and password & mobile number.

Create Profile

Rider can create his profile by adding details including name, email Id, contact number, password, and country.

Select / Enter Location Details

Rider can choose the pickup and drop-off location before they book a ride by entering an address or selecting on map (tap here).

Vehicle Categories

Rider can select the vehicle from available options like hatchback, sedan, mini, or suv.

Ride Now or Later

Rider can book taxi for ride now. Or schedule rides by later date and time by using "ride later" option.

Detailed Fare breakup

Rider can view the fare estimates of the ride (based on the selected vehicle category and locations).

Promo Code

In this taxi feature rider can use promo code to get an extra discount on the total trip amount, and promo code is managed by through admin panel.

Reviews and Rating

In this features rider can give reviews and rating at the end of the trip as per their experience of the taxi services and drivers.

Get Driver’s Information

After ride accepted by the driver, a rider can view drivers details like –name, image, contact number, and able to call the driver.

SOS Button

In case of emergency, a rider will click on an SOS button, and their location details with a message will be sent to his saved contact for emergency.

Cancel Trip

In this feature rider can cancel the trip by providing reason, and they also may have to pay the cancellation charges.

Multiple Payment Methods

In this taxi feature rider can choose any payment mode like credit card, cash or wallet.

Forgot Password

If rider forgets the password, they can recover it and set the new password.

Fare Summary Details

In this taxi app feature rider can view all the details, including the total distance, time, amount to be paid, and referral code.

Wait Time Charges

If driver has to wait for the rider, then additional charges will be applied to waiting time, which rider has to pay.

Real-Time Tracking of Driver

Rider can get the real-time status of driver like, on the way, estimated time of arrival etc.

Live Tracking

In this feature rider will get real-time updates for ride accepted, driver arrival, begin ride, end ride or cancel.


In this feature rider will receive all the notifications about ride accepted, driver status, begin ride, end ride, payment confirmation etc.

Vehicle Details

After the ride accepted, rider can view all the details related to the vehicle. Like, Car type, car number with the trip number.

Ride History

In this feature rider can view all the rides completed, canceled including details of pickup and drop location, fare amount and time.

Edit/Update Profile

Rider can update their profile like name, address, password, profile image etc.

Driver Taxi App Features


The driver can register through social media accounts and need to get verified by the admin before he can get ride requests on the app.

Document Uploading

Driver is required to upload their documents like Id proof, License and registration certificate at the time of register, all details will be sent to admin for approval.

Document Verification

Admin will verify the documents uploaded by driver and set status as verified through admin panel to ensure security and authenticity. Only after approved by admin, driver can receive ride requests and able to accept rides.

Edit/Update Profile

Driver can manage their profile details like name, address, contact details, profile photos, and documents.

Ride Requests

Once approved by admin, driver can start getting ride requests from the nearby locations.

Accept/Reject Ride

This taxi app feature allow driver to accept or reject the ride request received from riders within 30 seconds.

Cancel Ride

Driver can also cancel the ride if he is not picked up the rider with cancellation reasons like wrong address on the map or any valid reason.

Geo-fenced Service Area

By marking the Geographical boundaries of some areas, you can avoid crime prone or unsafe areas by marking them with geo-fencing and avoiding pick up and drop in these areas.

Google Navigation

It enables the driver to head upon Google maps app for directions and traffic assistance. Driver can also view real-time car transitions on the map, and it helps them find the route to reach rider easily.

Driver’s Availability

Driver can switch their availability anytime to Online /Offline. Driver can’t receive a ride request while he is offline.


Drivers can see the earning reports on a daily, monthly and weekly basis, including all necessary details and payment methods.

Ride History

Driver can view all the rides completed, canceled including details of pickup and drop location, fare amount and time.

Call / Chat

Driver can call /text to rider for any queries related to the ride.

Deactivate Profile

This taxi app feature allow driver to deactivate their profile through the app.

Driver’s Multiple Shifts

This taxi app feature allow driver to work in multiple shifts (Day & Night) to make more money.

Pos Integration

POS (Point of Sale) integration ensures that passengers receive a digital or printed invoice receipt for their trip, providing a seamless and transparent payment experience.

Admin Panel Taxi App Features

Users Manager

Likewise, the driver manager has given complete control over the rider's access to the platform. They can control or view their booked/canceled/completed rides and address any grievances from the panel.

Trips/Rides Manager

Admin can view rides ongoing, completed, cancelled, missed or rejected by the drivers on the runtime. Admin can also despatch rides from the admin panel and assign drivers manually to the booked rides.

Transactions Manager

Admin can see all transactions happening on the platform. Moreover, he can view the transaction details to the depth like taxes, commission, mode of payment, wallet transfers etc.


Admin has given access to multiple reports, which helps them plan and strategise various activities to support and grow the business.

Drivers Manager

The Admin panel has all the features required to control drivers. Admin panel control access of drivers on the platform, verify/block them, ask for more documents, see their performance, check their wallet status, documents, referrals, and so on. We have made admin the superpower to have complete control over the operations in the runtime.

Wallet Manager

Our platform's core strength is an inbuilt wallet system, which makes us stand out from our competitors. I can assure once you understand, you find it mandatory to run a business. It helps the company retain the riders and drivers to the platform and helps the company keep more funds.

Additional Taxi App Features

Chat Module

Once a Ride is booked and accepted by driver, Drivers and Riders can have Chat via text with each other (about directions, pickup location, etc) exclusive of revealing their phone numbers for confidentiality.

Single Mode

This taxi app feature allow driver to start the ride without user initiation, which means the driver needs not to receive a request from the user to initiate a ride. This feature is useful for the street pickup, old aged peoples, or for the user who does not know how to use smartphones.

Rent A Car

This taxi app feature allows riders to book a vehicle on an hourly basis or for the whole day without the hassle of booking multiple rides. It helps in enhancing the ride-booking business.

Refer and Earn

Let’s riders and drivers invite their friends and help you to increase the user and driver base. If any referral joins then the referee will get benefits.

Special Zone

Enable your drivers to earn more through special zone feature. Admin can mark any specific zone over the map, highlight it, and set the radius of the zone manually using the admin panel.

Red Zones

To avoid hassle while ride, Admin can mark Red zone areas to prevent the drivers from driving in those areas.

Optional Destination

This taxi app feature allow users to book a ride without specifying the destination.

Google Navigation

This taxi app feature enables the driver to head upon Google maps app for directions and traffic assistance.

Deliveries Module

This taxi app feature allow users to schedule multiple deliveries to deliver the documents or other stuff.

Outstation bookings

This taxi app feature allows the user to book a vehicle for outstation trips.

Driver’s multiple shifts (day & night)

This taxi app feature allow driver’s do multiple shifts day & night.

Time Charges (Peak Time and Night Time)

This taxi app feature set surcharge during peak hours every day or festivals and earn more.

Ride Tracking for Guardians

This taxi app feature allow guardians to book ride for the children and can view the real-time tracking of ride.

RTL Support

We provide a right to left (RTL) language support.

Corporate Rides

Rider create corporate rides and take rides with no payment. All the payment will be taken care by the organization.

Recurring Rides (Ride Pass)

The Recurring Rides feature allows the user to add their daily commute preferences from his office to home.

Baby Seat Enable

In this feature admin can manage the Baby seat functionality according to the cab categories.

Wheel Chair Enable

In this taxi feature admin can manage the wheelchair functionality according to the cab categories.

Favorite Driver

In this taxi feature rider can choose their favorite driver while creating a ride; ride requests will be sent to the selected driver.

Gender Preference

In this taxi app feature female riders will get an option of choosing female drivers while booking a ride; same goes for Male riders.

OTP On Trip Start

In this taxi feature customer will get a five digit code in his app that he has to provide to the driver to start the ride, this feature empowers the riders of the app to avoid paying extra if in case the driver has started the ride before the rider sits in the car.

Ride Pool Service

This feature empowers a rider to share rides along the same route and save their money along with empowering extra commission for the app owner and more money for the driver as the driver would be empowered with the strength to pick up as well as drop multiple people just through one ride.

Multi-city Management

In this taxi feature app can be operated in multiple cities with their city-specific pricing, city manager admin panel, and city-based driver’s management.

  • Location based categories
  • Location based pricing
  • Location based taxes
  • Location based payment modes
  • Location based currency
  • Location based promo codes
  • Location based commission

Special Requirements

If client have any special requirements than we can work on it,

Taxi App Features Overall client rating is 5 out of 5 for Appicial by 1000+ clients.
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taxi app features